Of course the Costa Ricans were not inspired to try and defend themselves, because the invading force, basically, was of the non-threatening variety. But we do know many support staff came in as part of the Prime Ministerial protection detail. They don’t tell us how many but be assured flying into San Jose there were snipers, bug detectors, and other specialists dedicated to making PM Trudeau more comfortable and safer than he was in those bleak grey days when he had to flee the nation’s capital after it was invaded by some big noisy trucks and tough talking truckers. Yes. The ones planning to overthrow his minority government. Now these many months later those plotting to take away his kingdom have been safely dispatched, including the most notorious of the truckers, Tamara Lich. The Trudeau braintrust that invoked the “Dire Emergencies to save Ottawa Act” turned out to be a political Lich mob. It took scraps of a story from the CBC, added some unreliable and, in fact, false information about the weapons the truckers allegedly possessed, and ordered the Country into a Military lockdown. Additionally, Trudeau cabinet members claimed the go-fund-me effort launched, aborted, relaunched and aborted was being supported by an international cartel and that most of the money was traced to foreign sources. Also falsehoods. Here’s an early fund raising tally, (6:30pm, January 28, $6.4 million collected from 82,500 donors.) The numbers were overwhelmingly Canadian and indicative that many understood the depth of the support. So Trudeau ordered banks to freeze money in accounts belonging to the revolutionaries that came as far away as Medicine Hat, Moose Jaw and Blaine Lake to overthrow a government. We’re sure many who live in Ottawa still cannot comprehend the motivation to travel thousands of miles to protest on Ottawa’s dull, grey Wellington Street on your own dime. But then the “freedoms” have never meant much to the pampered.

This weekend, far away from the cold Ottawa jail cell that until the other day was Ms. Lich’s domicile, the Prime Minister is safe, warm and free to enjoy the hospitality of Rodrigo Robles, 61 year old president of Costa Rica and also its Head of State. Population: 5 million 100 thousand. The Canadian national press hasn’t bothered giving us too many reasons why Costa Rica is the PM’s vacation of choice. The exception being the Globe and Mail, once a paragon of literary and honest reporting, now projecting a sordid picture of reporters and columnists paid to report the news, but only the proper news about national affairs. Not surprisingly, the Globe offers Robyn Urback who quickly, and flippantly, gives us the jist of her commentary, “Trudeau is spending two weeks in Costa Rica. So what?” We don’t know to whom she must reply but we also don’t care. Her attitude reflects the Globe today. Subsidized, smug and arrogantly pleading, “please buy access to the Globe, Canada’s leading independent journalism.” Really?? Much more interesting would be speculation about why Tamara Lich is not in jail, as she was until 26th of July. It’s quite possible given his obsession with appearances, the Prime Minster made it happen. How would it look if the Trudeau family was enjoying a beautiful, two week vacation in exotic Costa Rica, leaving behind that poor persecuted Ms. Lich in the cold Ottawa jail!!

So now, about what would Senor Trudeau like to consult with Presidente Robles? Start with some facts about how Robles and predecessors govern Costa Rica: no permanent standing army, a National Border Patrol, a well trained National police, which President Robles is quite willing to activate for the purpose of firmly ending protests and marches. Various combinations of Internal Security help President Robles keep a close eye on potential political pot holes. Given Trudeau’s current campaign to convince Canadians to follow his leadership into a world we are not expecting to visit, let alone live in, Presidente Robles may have some tips Trudeau could use to subdue those sections of the Canadian Landscape that need to be convinced that his way is the right way. I’m sure the two men and their assistants will be busy for several days talking security, population control and surveillance. But hopefully there will be time for the Prime Minister to stroll with family and absorb the chatter, the laughter and song of many happy Costa Ricans. During his sightseeing and strolling our Prime Minister might want to know more about the practical reasons Costa Ricans are so happy. For instance, Senor Justin might be interested in the Costa Rican health system, considering the moribund condition of his health care system back home. He might explore Costa Ricas’ unique public/private health system, ranked one of the world’s best, putting to shame the health care systems of Cuba, The United States and New Zealand. Justin Trudeau might be interested in his host country’s success in supporting reforestation, coping with 67 active volcanos, and before Trudeau the Lesser leaves, he should know Costa Rica is a paradise for hummingbirds.

Air Trudeau over and out

About holidayatlarge
Retired. From Radio, television and teaching!

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