CNN isn’t about REAL news!

Watching the current battle between CNN and Fox news has helped me understand why so many Americans live in ignorance of political realities.

During the past several weeks I`ve been fascinated by CNN`s decision to totally ignore Hillary Clinton’s battle to remain relevant in the face of legal challenges involving her failure to protect the secrets with which she was entrusted during her tenure as Secretary of State.  That battle includes a statement by a Judge appointed by her husband(when he was President) that she appears to be in violation of required procedures involving thousands of e-mails, many of which have been classified as secret. Some Top Secret. The procedures are mandated by US law.

It also includes the Judge`s order that Department of State co-operate with the FBI in finding e-mails that Hillary determined needed to be scrubbed off the e-mail server that she, after a delay of five months, allowed her people to give to the FBI.  The server was blank!  Did it take five months to deep six any politically embarrassing e-mails in her possession?

Fox news has been following the Hillary story, daily.  CNN has been ignoring the Hillary story, daily.  That decision by CNN to relegate Hillary’s e-mail server problems to file 13 was fine until her problems started showing up among polls in Iowa and New Hampshire.  There, voters who apparently are following her story on Fox and in the papers are giving her failing grades for trustworthiness and truthfulness.

The erosion on those two points also prompted friends of Vice president Joe Biden to start a draft Biden movement and his decision to go or not is days away and the CNN viewer has no idea why Joe Biden would want to challenge Hillary who they believe is the answer to a nation’s dream.  In fact CNN has studiously tried to avoid the Biden story.  It’s been mentioned, with no context.  So their viewers don’t even know if Biden is serious about challenging Hillary!

That means the CNN viewer is two stories behind and in danger of making that three BIG ones because if Hillary is charged, either with a misdemeanor or a felony, she is toast!

Now wouldn’t that be a shocker to those who have been relying on CNN to bring them all the news.

Of course, given her track record on the scandals of her previous 30 years(Whitewater, Flowers, Travelgate, Foster, Brown the list runs on) if someone must pay for failing to guard the secrets of the United States while she was Secretary of State it won’t be Hillary Clinton.  Who pays?  Friends and staff–many have fallen on their swords for Hillary, some involuntarily.

And there’s more. Because CNN isn’t reporting the Clinton difficulties their viewers will have missed half the currently running political circus.

CNN, the Clinton-Obama network has been running everything they can about The Donald.  Gleefully reporting his incredibly undisciplined run towards the White House!  Even Wolf Blitzer has been recruited to grind out the Donald Trump saga.

So if you are a devotee to CNN and will not watch FOX you are enjoying the major dump on Trump and totally ignorant about Hillary Clinton’s major migrane.  The FBI is investigating Hillary and her staff and you a faithful CNN viewer don’t even know about it!   The fact is Hillary has been on FOX far more than on CNN.

She has been busy laughing off, mouthing off and blaming others for her latest embrolio.

Will she get by this one?  Will Joe Biden rise to challenge?  Will CNN bring it’s listeners up-to-date??

I hate to say it but I must say it–STAY TUNED.