
Wednesday already!?

/Life is tough en’uf without having to worry about-Krokodil.

It’s a new designer drug that can turn an addict’s skin greenish, scaly and cause it to rot!!!!

A derivative of morphine, Krokodil, (also called desomorphine) is something new from Russia but U.S.

drug administration officials expect it in the States sooner than later!  If the past holds Canadian

health officials won’t know anything about Krokodil until the Americans tell them!

Russian police say they seized  65 million doses in the first three months of 2011.  Guesstimates,

also  by the Russians, suggest more than a million people in that country, known for its love affair with vodka, are users of KROLODFIL………main attraction:  cheap!

Mix codeine with gasoline, paint thinner, hydochloric acid and red phosphorus.  And that gives you Russian heroin!

Take some and say “Dobra vacher, Boris.”   Krokodil-another of life’s sink-holes./

/Pass me the soda pop–yes!!! no, no,no??  How about this:  diet soft drink drinkers, as a group, experienced ” 70% greater increases in  waist circumference” compared with those

who drink no diet soda!!!  Abdominal fat is a major risk factor for diabetes, cardio problems, cancer and other chronic health worrisomes.

That was the result of  studies using humans.  They did a mouse study feeding them aspartame—but we all know nobody takes just aspartame. And neither would the mice

but they were conscripted after refusing to submit voluntarily.  The researchers claim after forcing the aspartame into the mice, the mice showed elevated blood sugar levels!!!!

Remember when eggs and butter were no-no’s and after telling us to use only margarine, we were told get back to butter…..?  As I recall they started that rollercoaster with mice too……..

/The Dodgers may be bankrupt, BUT  when you consider pitching so are the Blue Jays!!!

Last night Jo Jo Reyes left his mojo in the clubhouse.  Gave up 9 hits and 6 earned runs in 3 and a half innings!

The announcer said 17-thousand paid for the game, but I don’t think 17 thousand attended.  This year’s edition has expansion written all over it…

Last night it was no pitching, poor fielding and  squandered hitting.  Night before in Detroit it was the Bullpen that missed the game.

As Casey Stengel once said about his useless New York Mets, “, can’t anybody here play this game?”

/The people of Illinois can put together a streak!  They have now elected two Governors in a row who have gone to jail.

The latest is Rodney Blagojevich(Blago) for short.  In today’s Wall street journal Roger Simon details the hilarious Blago Saga, including

a quote about the convicted Governor from a Chicago political insider–“you could cut off his head and he wouldn’t be any dumber.”

/And here’s another.  This one an observation by Paul Sullivan writing about women’s shoes in today’s freebie paper-Metro:

“wherever I look,  women’s shoes have morphed into something Darth Vader would wear if he were into cross-dressing >”

Lord ain’t that th truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
