Holiday’s Journal #23————Too BIG to jail!

Americans love slogans, in fact they may find them hypnotic–“Ask not what your country can do for you;  A day that will live in Infamy;  9/11;  weapons of mass destruction;  you have a friend in Pennsylvania—–”

You may remember when Bill Clinton was President and he became entangled with an Indonesian group of fast buck operators and it became apparent that if the rumours turned out to be true fast-talking, William could be heading to prison–an inventive American entrepreneur began selling T-shirts saying, “Billy Clinton: four years in the White House, Four years in the Big House.”

As it turned out  William didn’t have to worry because his friend with the goods on the President and the Indonesians Ron Brown, was killed in a plane crash that still hasn’t been fully explained or investigated.  But the T-Shirt reminds me of how quick the Americans glom onto catchy little phrases—like “Too big to Fail.” Now that did wonders for some of the Big banks and Big cars companies that were placed on the monetary critical list in 2008 and the dark, dreary days of the Great Recession that followed.  TOO BIG TO FAIL became a password repeated to Big Government honchos in Washington and to a dutiful band of reporters and columnists.  It was an impressive campaign.  It had a positive ring to it.  We cannot let General Motor s fail.  Think of the fall out.  The widows and orphans, and the pensions and the little people who depend on GM!  It is TOO BIG TOO FAIL.  Likewise the Big Banks.  Well, lets have a couple of the biggies fail just to tighten things up.  And they did.

And who were the proselytizers of the “too big to fail mantra?  Why the occupants of the executive suites at the Big Banks and the Big Car companies.

TOO BIG TO FAIL–worked wonders.    GM, Goldman-Sachs, Bank of America, and the others in their lofty positions of power did not fail.  They were bailed out by the taxpayers who were cajoled into the into believing the premise that , “TOO BIG TO FAIL”  was as American as Apple Pie.

Fast forward to October-November 2015 and the debut of another made in America slogan—“TOO BIG TO JAIL”—— Hillary Clinton is TOO BIG TO JAIL.

C’mon people, think!  She was a First Lady, a Senator, a Secretary of State and now she is running for PRESIDENT—So let the word go forth that in this day and age of uncertainty and Isis

that she must be allowed to obfuscate, misappropriate the truth, blame others for the massacre in Benghazi and to eventually enter the Oval office as the President of the United States because

she is TOO BIG TO JAIL!!  Can’t you Republicans see that? After all you were the dopes at the Benghazi Committee hearings who listened to Hilliary tell you that even though 600 requests were made by the Americans in Libya asking for more security  she,”Hiliary” never heard about these requests! Never heard about 600 requests. although I doubt there were that many, nevertheless The Devil herself could not have slipped that past the GOP dummies in that hearing room with more dash and daring.  Maybe they were jousting with the DEVIL herself?

Who but the GOP bozos would believe that Clinton, a dedicated micro-manager and the ultimate authority on security requests from those who worked in State sat in numerous meetings and NEVER was told by immediate staff that “her people” in Benghazi were begging for more security.  Never?  How many meetings? The Security buck stops where?  “Not with me said “Hiliary” not with me.  Some underling made the decisions repeatedly to deny additional security for the U.S. Ambassador and his staff in Benghazi, not me”  But Hillary didn’t have to deliver that unbelievable sentence because none of the Republican committee members pursued that line of questioning.  Inspite of their bumbling efforts to nail Mrs. Clinton the American people know she cannot be trusted, that she tells lies and lusts after mammon and leaves dead people in her wake.  The people of America know they are faced with a critical decision a year from now.  But that slogan just kind of rolls around and sits there—whisper it, “too big to jail,…..cogitate upon it, who else is there?  Donald Trump!?

So as diligent as the agents of the FBI may be  in their investigation  of Hillary Rodham Clinton, she is in the minds of the Democrats and half the voters of America, TOO BIG TO JAIL!  And that’s the slogan that will keep her campaign train on track.

Now we can better understand how dictators with nasty, criminal minds come to power in so-called banana republics like Syria, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile and most the counties in Africa.    And how they remain in the highest office in those respective countries. They are, TOO BIG TO JAIL.

It’s a sad commentary on the state of the STATES.  This proud country with more than 200 years of transcending tradition is on the brink of electing a woman with blood on her hands and revenge in her eyes, who wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped her in the face.

She will take power at the fork in the road and it doesn’t matter which one she takes because all of America will suffer.

Too Big To Jail is not just another slogan, it will answer the question–Is America still a nation of laws?  Or will it become the world’s biggest, newest Banana Republic?